10 Important Tips For Indians Before Travelling To Pattaya

The first time I went to Pattaya, I was shocked to see how Indians behaved and how Thai people look at Indians. As many say bars don’t allow Indians, and it made me very uncomfortable to enter any club. However, no one was racist towards me anywhere and I entered almost all the bars were Indians are not allowed. I entered one of the most racist clubs on walking street (I don’t want to share the name) and made a couple of nice friends including the bouncers. That is when I understood that Thai people are racist only if you behave badly. I enjoyed my travel, met so many people and made so many friends. Drank in class clubs, danced and did everything a Firang does and it was beautiful. So this post is for those decent Indians who would like to spend a good time in Pattaya without any racism or classism.

1. Be Clean

Thai people keep themselves very clean, and they think Indians are very dirty and smelly therefore keep yourself very clean. Buy a Deo and use it whenever it is necessary. Smell good and keep yourself clean all the time. Take extra care of your willy if you want to go to any BJ bars.

2. Be Decent

Thai people are very decent, soft-spoken and well mannered, therefore, be one among them. Behave elegantly when you are in public or go to any bars. Do not behave like how you behave in India. Remember, you are in Pattaya and not in India. I have seen many North Indians behave very badly in Pattaya so please guys.

3. Don’t Speak Loudly

Thai people are very soft and they usually smile therefore be kind to them and smile back. Don’t shout or speak in a bad language which unfortunately many Thai understand. Calling someone chut*ya or mother ch*d loudly is not only bad but unnecessary. Please understand that you are not in India, therefore, behave well in public. I personally have seen many Indians talk loudly with all these words in public, and first hand I have seen thai people giving dirty looks to those Indians who talk loudly, especially North Indians.

4. Be Kind

Thai people are very kind to each other therefore be kind to them. I had a couple of awesome experiences based on kindness. First time in Bangkok I saw an old Beggar who was begging in the hot sun, I gave him 10 baht coin and started walking. I don’t know what that Beggar told me but a lady who was walking by saw me, smiled and bowed. The other instance when I was buying fried chicken. The price of one chicken stake was 49 baht, so I bought 2 which becomes 98 baht. She was little disturbed therefore she calculated bad and gave me 16 baht back. I smiled at her and gave her back 14 baht telling, be careful while giving money. She smiled and gave me 2 plates of nuggets for free. So being kind in Thailand helps you.

5. Be Smooth To The Girls

I have heard stories from many Pattaya girls about there experiences with Indian men. I am Indian too but still, they shared because I was not rough on them. I was very friendly to the women and they also became very comfortable with me. That is when they started opening up to me about desperate Indian men. Some girls spoke about how they are hunted, some girls spoke about harassment, some spoke about misbehaviour and some about the cheapness. Indians do a lot of bad things in Pattaya with girls like hurting them, and one girl cried saying her implant was broken by an Indian. Many told that Indian men hurt them and are not smooth while having sensual pleasures. Come on, guys!

6. Respect Women

Indians don’t respect women and the above gives a small example of the same. Heckling, use of abusive words, calling them sluts or bitches, Seeing them as sex machines etc is a big NO-NO. There are a lot of Indians do and that is the reason many Gentlemen’s club and Strip Clubs don’t allow Indians to even come close to them. The bad news is that Thai people don’t believe in any Indian or brown skin but the good news is when you really dress well and behave well they will allow. I was allowed into many places without any problem.

7. Don’t Litter

This is one big problem! I have seen Indians not using dustbins, like how they do it in India, they just throw on streets. Those people who throw might not notice the disgusting looks they get from Firangs and Thai people. Realize that you are not in India, don’t throw or spit anywhere. Follow the same in India too!

8. Respect Thai Culture & Language

Thai Culture is very similar to Indian culture or Hindu culture. Be proud of it! I was at the Sanctuary of Truth, I saw an English couple seeing the architecture. I was prompted when he said, “these are all Buddhist gods”. I smiled at the guy and said, no they are Indian or Hindu gods and I started explaining every sculpture. Hearing my explanation, a couple of other tourists and some Thai people joined. I was so proud to explain the Indian Hindu culture and told them that Thai culture is very much like Indian culture as I gave them many examples. A couple of Thai people who heard me talking joined me when I was drinking coffee and said: “Thank you for the information and thank you for your culture”. What more do you need as an Indian? So respect there culture, language and always do Namaste!

9. Dress Appropriately

India exports a lot of stitched cloths, therefore, wear a good one when you are in a foreign country. Dressing well is one of the basic manners and you will be respected based on your appearance.

10. Don’t Be Cheap

Last but not least, don’t be cheap. I am not talking about general bargaining techniques which everyone does but I am talking especially when you call a girl for 1000 baht for a long time and when she comes, your friends want to share the same girl without giving her extra. Well! don’t do that! Also if a girl tells you more and you want to bargain, don’t bargain too low or too much. Don’t debate on pricing, ask her and if she says no either give her price or just walk off. Don’t have to appear to be very cheap.

Thai people are racist towards Indians for many reasons, you be just one reason to make them smile. Khàawp-khun khráp!

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