Easy R-Con Bar is located on Soi Buakhao in the heart of Pattaya city. This bar is located opposite to Easy Corner Bar, this bar has a very relaxing atmosphere and friendly service. With Over 70 Service girls shared between the 2 bars, this is one of the perfect bars to relax.


All Day
1:00PM – 1:00AM  TEL.+66 84 873 9751


Soi Buakhao ( opp. Easy Corner Bar), Klang End
Pattaya, Thailand

Buy buy R con bar

July 30, 2021

Good place to people watch and drinks are cheap , sport always on the t.v but it’s football , cricket.

F1 or tennis your better off going to another bar , lady’s gossip to much about the expats but it’s probably the same all round the bars.

Understand it’s closed down the main bar but the smaller one still open across the road .

Just my view make your own mind up……..

Frank MacDonald